
Ib Dabo Motivational Speaker

Your event needs a motivational speaker that connects with the students and shares a message of hope.

Whether you’re perfecting the details of a virtual gathering or finalizing your live event, one thing is certain—your students want to be inspired. They want to leave knowing that their life has purpose.

Ib does Just that.

Ib understands the challenges faced by today’s youth. He uses his own adversities as examples of how to overcome any situation. His transparency and relatability help students see that no one’s journey is perfect, but with perseverance, anything is possible.

Inspiring. Powerful. Relevant.

Ibrahim, that was a very inspiring speech on graduation day. We looked at each other right as you were leaving the stage. I am the son of political refugees from Cuba, so your story touched me in a special way… Keep making speeches like that where anyone will listen… It is inspiring!

Victor Chavez
- Junior Accountant, Catholic Charities
Kate Vrastak

Powerful story, Ib Dabo. You are a GIFT to us and to all the teens you will be giving HOPE to with all those passionate words. Keep shining your light to the world.

- Kate Vrastak
Author & Mental Health Advocate
Ib Grad Speech
From overcoming the challenges of being a refugee just five years before his graduation speech to thriving academically with an undiagnosed hearing disability, Ib battled the odds of adversity to live a life of purpose. He now inspires students to do likewise. 

Motivational Speeches

Ib "teaches" at Oldfields School
Ib poses with students and staff at Oldfields School in Maryland after "teaching" as part of Global Awareness Day.

Silence the Inner Critic and Regain Self-love

Bullying. Addiction. Peer Pressure.

They impact our students' mental health and well-being on a daily basis.

Ib uses his own experience with bullying and insecurities to help them understand that they don't have to be perfect to make a difference in the world.

Turning Challenges into Opportunities

Disability doesn't have to be a limitation. In fact, it can be the thing that propels you to greatness.

This powerful presentation encourages students to look beyond their obstacles.

Ib shares five key steps with students that helped him turn his pain into purpose so that they can do the same.

Ib Hosts 6 Youths
 Ib (centered) hosted 60 youths through his church during their summer tour and shared an uplifting message to spur them on to greatness. 
Ib Boys Hope Girls Hope
Ib—far left back row—was invited to speak to staff and scholars at Boys Hope Girls Hope, an international organization that nurtures and guides "motivated young people in need to become well-educated, career-ready men and women for others."

Cultivate a Successful Career

Ib shares the five must-have tools students need in order to build and maintain a successful career. 

And as a bonus, the most powerful secret to his leadership success— something he did at the age of 12.

This educational keynote presentation will inspire students to become world-changers.

Ib speaks at HLAA Annual Convention
Ib speaks at the Hearing Loss Association of America's 2022 Awards Ceremony.
Ib speaks at Harford Day School
Ib poses with students and staff at Harford Day School in Maryland after speaking to six, seven and eight graders in celebration of International Day.

Ibrahim’s testimony affected me. It was inspiring. Motivating. He was speaking from the heart and truly brought life to the Scriptures that describe God’s character. So thank you, Ibrahim. It was incredible. And I’m so thankful for hearing it. Hopefully, you guys will feel blessed in hearing it as well, because I sure was.

- Student

Let Ib's Story Inspire Your Audience to Fulfill Their God-given Purpose

Listen To Ib Speak At The University Of Baltimore